Progesterone Protects Against Post Hysterectomy Stupidity

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  • 4 mins read

Today’s article is about women who have to have a hysterectomy, and my desire to protect them from post hysterectomy stupidiy. I will define what I think is stupid shortly. Some women have endometriosis so serious that they end up getting a hysterectomy. Other women have this procedure for other reasons, whatever the reason, I still have important (potentially life-saving) information for you. 

For years, after you have had a hysterectomy, doctors have prescribed estrogen pills or patches for you. They just give you estrogen, without progesterone. This is medically termed unopposed estrogen (and it means you’re given only estrogen without progesterone) to take. It can lead to among other things, a condition called estrogen dominance. You may be interested in taking the DUTCH Complete Test. Click on the image below regarding DUTCH for more information.


The thought process has always been, why give progesterone to patient who no longer has a uterus? The progesterone isn’t needed anymore. 

Here’s the Post Hysterectomy Stupidity

Many practitioners still mistakenly believe that progesterone is only necessary to the function of the uterus, so there’s no reason to prescribe it for a post hysterectomy patient. I question this concept and totally disagree that’s why I’m calling it out. I think it’s post-hysterectomy stupidity!

It is NOT wise to ignore progesterone and I’ll tell you why right now. It’s dangerous actually. Just take a look at progesterone’s benefits below. And also, unopposed estrogen can lead to higher risk of cancer! Here’s a STUDY for you to read about that.


What About Mood Swings and Hot Flashes?

For women suffering with hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, and the inability to lose weight, hormone replacement therapy can be a Godsend.  And for women who have had hysterectomies, having a doctor progressive enough to prescribe bio-identical progesterone along with estrogen can make all the difference in the world.  They may start feeling better in as little as two weeks!

Many doctors today assume the hormone progesterone has only one use: to protect the uterus. But that is wrong, there are progesterone receptors throughout the entire body, and like every other human hormone, it has far-reaching effects.

As for estrogen, there are all kinds of sources, but this is not the case for progesterone. After menopause, you may want to take it because you don’t make much! 


Why Not Progesterone?

Estrogen is in the fat (adipose ) tissue. Phytoestrogen (plant-sources) give it to you. Adrenal glands make it. But where are you getting progesterone from? If you don’t take it as a pill, you don’t get it if you’re a certain age.

Does it make sense to deprive the body of the benefits of progesterone, just because one particular organ that used it was surgically removed? When you deprive a person of progesterone, an insufficiency develops and may lead to chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, brain fog, insomnia, hot flashes, inability to lose weight, dry skin, thinning hair, bone loss, PMS, fibroids or migraines.

Progesterone is known to relieve these problems, whether or not a uterus is present. It can benefit men sometimes too!

There remains confusion about progestin (drugs) versus progesterone (a natural, bio-identical hormone that humans produce). Progestin drugs have been associated with birth defects, whereas progesterone is the major hormone of pregnancy. Read my other article, 2 Essential Nutrients You Must Have Before Pregnancy.

Progestins, in some studies, may be associated with higher risk for breast cancer, heart attack, and stroke, whereas progesterone is not. Progesterone stimulates production of thyroid hormone, important to every aspect of life, whether or not a uterus is present. It’s needed for brain health – in fact many progressive doctors administer this post-stroke in hospitals.

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In men, progesterone inhibits 5-alpha reductase, which can help with BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia). Progesterone is also incredibly protective to breast tissue.

According to two large European studies, women with or without a hysterectomy who use bio-identical hormones have no increased risk of any disease. So even though the current medical “standard of practice” still says to give unopposed estrogen, and some physicians still adhere to this, other health practitioners and I completely disagree.

For the record, if people didn’t disagree with “standards of practice” we’d still blame ulcers on stress, and use leeches for blood lettings!

We are born with many hormones and they are best kept in balance. Unopposed estrogen can be tricky, and harmful over the long term. In my opinion, I think it’s rarely a good idea to mess with Mother Nature!
