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ToggleBurping is normal, our bodies need to release excess air from the stomach. But if you’re burping constantly, even when you haven’t had anything carbonated, it could be a sign of an underlying issue. Call it belching, burping, or the fancy word eructation, it’s all the same sound. Whether it’s a polite hiccup or a thunderous eruption that scares your dog, it’s all just air making a grand exit.
As a pharmacist, I’ve heard it all. People struggling with embarrassing burping fits at meetings, constant bloating, or feeling like there’s a bubble trapped in their throat that won’t go away. If you have GERD, a hiatal hernia, or other digestive problems, burping can be excessive and relentless. Read my other article about those topics, 5 Hidden Links Between Hiatal Hernia, GERD & Shortness of Breath – and Solutions.
I wondered if there was a world record on burping, not that I really care, but sure enough there is! The Guinness World Records recognizes achievements in burping, who knew?!. In August 2023, Kimberly Winter from Maryland set the new record for the world’s loudest burp. She ranked in at 107.3 decibels! That’s almost as loud as a full-throttle motorcycle (100-100 dB) holy smokes!
Does the Air Go Out the Back Door Too? 🦨
Good lord, how did I end up down this rabbit hole, but if I’m wondering, you might be too. The question is if a person burps a lot, do they also have a lot of air going out the back door? If so, these 2 bad habits 🫣 can totally lead to divorce 💔! Burping and flatulence are sort of like distant cousins at a family reunion, related, but luckily not always hanging out together. Burping is just your stomach politely returning extra air through the front door, while flatulence takes the back door with a little more attitude. So the answer is maybe… it’s not a given.
Just because you burp a lot doesn’t necessarily make you gassy down below, and vice versa. Your gut health and the diet you follow ‘decide’ which end gets the spotlight! So, what causes excessive burping, and more importantly, how do you stop it? Here are 7 causes for excessive burping.
1. You’re Swallowing Too Much Air (Aerophagia)
Some people swallow air without even realizing it. This happens when you eat too fast, talk while chewing your food, drink through a straw, chew gum, or drink carbonated beverages. Anxiety can also cause aerophagia because nervous habits like mouth breathing or swallowing frequently can introduce more air into the stomach.
If you’re burping all day long but don’t feel particularly bloated or have any reflux (GERD), then simple air swallowing is the likely culprit. Try slowing down while eating, skipping the gum, and drinking from a regular cup instead of a straw. If anxiety is part of the issue, deep breathing exercises can help reduce the urge to swallow air.
2. Your Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES) is Weak
The LES is the valve that separates your stomach from your esophagus. It’s supposed to stay tightly closed unless you’re swallowing, but in people with GERD (acid reflux) or a hiatal hernia, the LES is too loose. When this happens, acid and air escape from your stomach way more frequently, causing frequent burping to go with the painful heartburn.
Over-the-counter meds like Pepcid (famotidine) or PPIs (omeprazole, pantoprazole) can reduce acid but they’re not curative. They won’t fix a weak LES. If your burping is due to reflux, you might benefit from Reflux Gourmet, which forms a protective raft to prevent acid from splashing up. It’s not foolproof, but it does help a little.
Supplements like zinc carnosine, DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice), or slippery elm can also help strengthen the esophageal lining. Diet modifications are important too – lay off the salsa and bourbon if you know what I mean! Spicy foods and alcohol are corrosive to people with reflux, so is coffee, citrus fruits/juices and tomato sauce. Read more HERE.
3. You Have Slow Stomach Emptying (Gastroparesis)
If your stomach isn’t emptying food fast enough, gas gets trapped inside, leading to more burping. A lot of people on Ozempic® and similar drugs have this condition – that’s how the drugs work to make you eat less. They cause early satiety. I’ve made a graphic showing 11 symptoms of gastroparesis – see how many symptoms you have.
Gastroparesis which literally translates to “gastric paralysis” just means slow stomach emptying. This is a common symptom in people with diabetes, people who take certain opioids like hydrocodone or anticholinergic TCAs (tricyclic antidepressants like amitriptyline, nortriptyline, imipramine, and desipramine).
You may be interested in my related article, Do These 12 Supplements Work Better than Antidepressants?
You see gastroparesis in people who have vagus nerve dysfunction too. Symptoms include feeling full after only a few bites (early satiety), bloating, nausea, and lots of burping. This nerve controls the muscles in the stomach that contract to move food into the small intestine. When the vagus nerve is damaged or dysfunctional, it can lead to delayed gastric emptying.
If you suspect slow stomach motility, talk to your doctor about prokinetic medications like low-dose erythromycin or metoclopramide. Natural options include ginger tea, Iberogast, or digestive enzymes.
Many of you have never heard of Iberogast, also called STW5. This is an herbal remedy born in Germany that contains 9 plant extracts. It’s used for soothing tummies. It’s been around for 60 years and may help those with IBS, bloating, nausea and dyspepsia. It gently nudges food along your GI tract so it may help with gastroparesis if you take a TCA or SSRI antidepressant, or other constipating drug. It’s usually a safe bet but I’ve got to warn you, there have been a few rare cases of liver issues tied to the celandine herb, so avoid it if you have liver dysfunction.
4. You Have Excess Gas from Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
Burping isn’t always a stomach issue, it can start lower down in your gut in the small intestine. When bacteria overgrowth occurs in the upper gut (a condition called SIBO), they ferment food too early, creating excess gas that pushes air upward into the stomach and esophagus. Read more about the dangers of fermented foods in my ebook Hashi No-Nos.
SIBO-related burping often comes with bloating, gassiness, and unpredictable digestion. A breath test can confirm it, and treatment usually involves herbal antimicrobials (like berberine or oregano oil) or prescription antibiotics (like rifaximin). If your burping is worse after fiber-rich foods, a low-FODMAP diet can help reduce gas production. FODMAP stands for Fermentable Oligosaccharides, Disaccharides, Monosaccharides, and Polyols – CLICK HERE to learn more.
5. Your Hiatal Hernia is Trapping Air
A sliding hiatal hernia happens when part of your stomach and esophagus slide up through the diaphragm, which can let stomach acid creep into your esophagus and trap gas in your tummy, causing frequent burping, chest pressure, and that pesky reflux feeling.
If a hiatal hernia is small, lifestyle changes like elevating the head of your bed, avoiding large meals, avoiding lying down after eating, and diaphragmatic breathing exercises can all help. For larger hiatal hernias that cause severe reflux or difficulty breathing (and SHORTNESS OF BREATH), surgical repair may be necessary. You may need a TIF procedure or a LINX® or something altogether different. Read about that HERE.
6. You’re Drinking Carbonated Beverages or Artificial Sweeteners
Sodas, sparkling water, beer, and even kombucha introduce extra gas into your stomach, leading to immediate burping. Even if you’re drinking a “healthy” carbonated beverage, it doesn’t matter, the gas still needs an escape route, right?
Another hidden culprit? Sugar alcohols like sorbitol, xylitol, and maltitol, which are found in sugar-free gum, yogurt, beverages and all kinds of candies. These sweeteners ferment in your gut and create gas, making burping (and bloating) worse.
If you’re dealing with constant burping, eliminate all carbonated drinks and sugar alcohols for a week and see if things improve.
7. You’re Taking Medications That Affect Digestion
Certain prescription and OTC drugs can slow digestion, weaken the LES, or cause gas buildup. Common culprits include:
- PPIs (omeprazole, pantoprazole) because they reduce stomach acid but may slow digestion. They have an upside, but they also have this downside. It’s something to consider.
- Opioids (painkillers like oxycodone, hydrocodone) because they can cause gastroparesis. Constipation is the #1 side effect of opiates.
- Antidepressants (especially SSRIs & tricyclics) since they affect gut motility. They slow it down.
- Diabetes medications (GLP-1 agonists like Ozempic®, Mounjaro®) because as I stated earlier, part of their mechanism of action is to slow gastric emptying. In doing so, they often lead to frequent burping and bloating.
If your medication is the cause, you may need to simply adjust your dose or switch to an alternative – just ask your practitioner what’s right for you.
How to Stop Excessive Burping Naturally
If burping is making you uncomfortable but isn’t tied to a serious underlying issue, you can try several natural remedies. However, if you have GERD or a hiatal hernia, not all gas-relief options are created equal. As a pharmacist, allow me to share the best options that you can try at home for short-term relief. Remember to see a doctor if the burping is constant, painful or accompanied with heartburn/reflux, globus, chest pain or abdominal pain.
1. Simethicone (Gas-X)
Simethicone is an anti-foaming agent that breaks up gas bubbles, making them easier to pass. It does not affect stomach acid levels, so it’s generally safe for people with GERD. However, it won’t do anything to stop acid reflux itself, it just relieves gas discomfort.
💡 Best for: Gas-related bloating and belching, especially after eating. Won’t worsen your GERD, but it also won’t treat it. You can buy it over the counter at any pharmacy or online store.
2. Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal absorbs excess gas and toxins in the digestive tract, but it doesn’t target the root cause of GERD or reflux, which again often accompanies frequent burping. Some people find relief from bloating and excessive burping, but others say that it makes their reflux worse. So I’m not sure who this is right for, it’s a trial by experiment!
💡 Best for: Occasional gas and bloating, but not ideal for GERD sufferers unless tested once to see if you get better or worse with it.
3. Ginger Tea or Digestive Enzymes
Ginger is a tricky one. While it’s known to promote stomach emptying and reduce bloating, it can also trigger acid reflux in sensitive people. Some people who have GERD swear by ginger tea, while others say it makes the heartburn worse.
💡 Best for: Those with slow digestion (gastroparesis) but may not be tolerated by GERD sufferers. If you want to try it, start with a small amount of tea, dilute it well, and see how you react to it.
Digestive enzymes, on the other hand, help break down the food that you eat faster, reducing fermentation and gas buildup. These types of supplements can be helpful for both GERD and hiatal hernias, especially if poor digestion or a deficiency of probiotics is present, contributing to bloating and pressure on your LES.
4. Diaphragmatic Breathing
Breathe! We hold our breath so often during the day. Diaphragmatic breathing strengthens your diaphragm and encourages the natural movement of gas. It also helps reset the vagus nerve, which plays a role in both digestion and acid reflux regulation. This can strengthen the LES in some cases.
💡 Best for: GERD, hiatal hernias, and excess burping caused by swallowing air or stress. No downside here, just breathe!
5. Probiotics
Not all probiotics are beneficial for reflux. Some probiotic strains increase histamine, which will trigger acid production in your stomach and worsen reflux. Other probiotic strains tend to better regulate gut bacteria and reduce gas buildup, thus reducing all the burps.
✔ Best strains for GERD and burping relief:
- Bifidobacterium infantis – Helps reduce gas and bloating.
- Bifidobacterium longum – Supports gut lining integrity, reducing inflammation.
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG – May improve gut balance and digestion.
❌ Avoid histamine-producing strains if you have GERD like: Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, and Lactobacillus reuteri. Search for probiotics that are “low histamine” to find brands that could work for you.
⭐ BETTER Strains for people who have Severe GERD/Histamine Issues
Bifidobacterium infantis –Helps reduce gas, bloating, and abdominal discomfort by improving digestion and calming gut inflammation.
Bifidobacterium longum –Supports gut lining integrity and reduces overall inflammation, especially helpful for sensitive digestion and reflux.
Bifidobacterium breve – Calms gut inflammation and reduces bloating and gas pressure in the lower GI tract helps lower intra-abdominal pressure, which is a major contributor to reflux.
Lactobacillus plantarum (some subspecies only) – Helps reduce gas and bloating, supports gut barrier function, and may lower inflammation—though benefits depend on the specific subspecies.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG – Promotes healthy gut balance, improves digestion, and may ease reflux by enhancing microbial diversity and calming inflammation.
Read my ebook Hashi No No’s to learn more, the link to download it is above. Also, read this blog about histamine: 8 Strategies to Reduce Histamine and Ease Hashimoto’s & Autoimmune Disorders.
Fun Fact: Babies Don’t “Need” to Burp!
The following information about burping babies might surprise you. When my kids were born in the early 1990’s, I was taught to feed them, then gently pat them on the back to burp them. According to a 2024 PAPER which I came across written by a couple of child psychogists. Researchers in India reviewed 71 mom-baby pairs, splitting them into two groups. One was where moms were told to burp their little ones after every feed, and another where they weren’t given any burping advice.
Over 3 months, they found that burping did NOT cut down on crying or colic, but it actually increased spit-up episodes, with burped babies spitting up about 8 times a week compared to 3.7 times for the unburped ones. So, if burping your baby feels right for you, go for it, but if it’s stressing you out, you might not need to bother. It turns out, babies can often handle that trapped air just fine on their own!
Final Takeaway: What’s Best for Stopping Burping with GERD?
- Safe & effective: Simethicone, diaphragmatic breathing, and low-histamine probiotic strains.
- Use with caution: Activated charcoal (may slow acid clearance) and ginger (can trigger reflux in some).
- Best for digestion & hiatal hernias: Digestive enzymes and probiotic strains that regulate gut bacteria.
If burping is excessive, constant, or comes with severe reflux, talk to your doctor to rule out a hiatal hernia, SIBO, or motility issues. The tests for these things are relatively easy compared to major invasive tests so it’s worth a check-up. While occasional burping is normal, persistent belching could signal something deeper. Burping all day is tiresome, it starts to hurt after awhile. With the right treatment, you can stop the burping and feel better during the day.

Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.