Dizziness and POTS may respond to Choline

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  • 4 mins read

This article is about how choline might help with a condition called POTS which is short for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. I’ve written about it several times.

My very first article on POTS remains one of the most well-trafficked articles on my entire website! If you want to refer to it: POTS: 4 Ways That Salt Affects Your Blood Pressure.

POTS can make you feel very dizzy and lightheaded when you first stand up. This occurs due to a dramatic drop in blood pressure and a significant increase in heart rate (tachycardia) when you stand up. It’s a problem of orthostatic “intolerance” not so much high or low blood pressure.

It’s probably related to some kind of dysautonomia, a problem within the nervous system. It’s really common among middle-aged people, and those who take anti-hypertensive drugs. POTS is much more complex than I’ve described it here.

POTS Explanation


Does Smoking Pot Help?

A few of you have emailed me and asked if smoking POT can cause the syndrome of “POTS” or if it could help it.
The answer is no, it does not cause POTS, and no it doesn’t help. In fact, it may exacerbate the problem by speeding up your heart (more tachycardia!). If you are interested in the medical benefits of cannabis, I have an ARTICLE for you to read.

I have some ideas to help you with natural support for POTS too, as in postural orthostasis so read on!

A study published in The FASEB Journal highlights why certain medications that block acetylcholine breakdown are often extremely helpful for POTS patients. Keeping acetylcholine intact is one target for drugs.

Headache FREE Book

Cell Membrane Health

This new study closely examined choline which feeds your cell membranes and connective tissue.  The scientists researched “fibroblasts” cells which they extracted from POTS patients who were deficient in choline. Interesting, these patients were also deficient in betaine which is an amino acid and a methyl donor sold as a dietary supplement.

The scientists looked at choline transport and cell membrane health as well as mitochondrial function in their tissue samples and compared them to healthy cells from patients without POTS.

Before I tell you the ending, let me first tell you what choline is. It’s a nutrient found in foods like beef liver, eggs and milk and it can be made in the liver. It’s critical to making membranes and “wrappers” for all your cells so it’s important for connective tissue and blood vessels. It’s is helpful for making your nerve cells talk to each other properly.

It is needed for acetylcholine production which is the neurotransmitter best known for supporting memory. Speaking of memory, you might be interested in a formula I make called Memory Script® and it contains a precursor to acetylcholine, plus nootropics. Click on the SHOP tab above to learn about it.


The study ties up the fact that choline deficiency is bad for a POTS patient.  The researchers found that deficient cells all had disrupted cell membranes! That means they can’t communicate well.

The protein carrier used to transport choline around the cells was two to three times lower in POTS fibroblasts and the ability to utilize this was decreased by a whopping 60 percent!

Choline deficiency hurts your mitochondria too, and leads to poor oxygen consumption. Basically, your cells can’t breathe, can’t make energy and can’t talk to each other.

They also noticed poor blood sugar control and impaired electrical activity within the mitochondria.

Taken together this means a ton of cellular trouble! It’s the first study of its kind to show that people with POTS have a breakdown in cell membrane integrity. I’ve said this for many years, and I’ll say it again: It’s all about your cell membrane! The research proved when choline was supplied to the POTS cells, healthy function returned!

Eat Choline-Rich Foods

There are millions of people struggling with POTS.

The POTS research certainly suggests that choline is a major player. These foods include egg yolks and beef liver. We live in an egg yolk-phobic society and not many people are much into beef liver either! Methylation difficulties which most people have also contribute to POTS.

You can read more about methylation by CLICKING HERE. In the meantime, ask your physician if choline is right for you. It’s sold everywhere but remember, just because a study is positive doesn’t mean it’s right for you so please have an intelligent discussion about this natural dietary supplement with your doctor.

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