Do you just basically accept that you have a lot of gas, cramps or belly bloating? Stop accepting that.
Do you hurt and deal with chronic pain syndromes like migraines, fibromyalgia, back pain or nerve pain (like neuropathy)?
Some of you live with painful things and for some of you, detoxing your body will free it of chronic pain. Maybe you just find yourself analyzing what you ate, or cutting some food out of your diet, naming it as the “offender” even if it’s not.
Do you just assume you need a new medication to make yourself feel better? More Vicodin, Oxycodone, Cymbalta, Fentayl, Ibuprofen, Naproxen, one of those (several of those) isn’t going to help you if you’re constantly putting more and more things into your body that spark the pain. I’d never suggest that you layer drugs on top of a bunch of symptoms and expect relief.
That’s so crazy, don’t layer a drug on top of your problem! It’s going to cause a lot of side effects. I recommend you do a gentle detox of your system rather than keep doing what you’re doing, eating what you’re eating and then adding all sorts of synthetic chemicals in an effort to improve digestion:
Laxatives, antacids, anti-gas pills, lactose pills, diarrhea aids or acid blockers. Some of you take several of these in a single day!
So what is the best way to detox? I’m not talking sweat lodges. I’m not asking you to drink nothing but water or soup every day, although you could try that for a few days, it’s termed a “fast” and there are many variations of a fast.
You can be proactive and take action without taking drugs just to eat comfortably. The question is what is the underlying problem for you? You’ll need both blood and stool testing.
Is it an infection like SIBO, or H. pylori?
Is it low acid or high?
Is it a food sensitivity?
Certain symptoms show you that you have too many toxins that keep you on overload. Keep in mind that your brain is your second gut, and since there is a biochemical highway connecting them, signs of toxins in your gut show up in your the brain. So for example, you may have migraines or headaches, word finding problems, irritability, mood swings and anxiety. But remember it’s in your gut, and in your bloodstream.
If it’s backing up there, it’s backing up in your brain too, hence all the head-related problem like migraines and fog. Consider the following choices and have a candid conversation with a holistic-minded practitioner. Don’t just run for more laxatives. This is what I would do to reduce debris in my system:
1. I’d eliminate concentrated dairy (butter, yogurt, cheese) for at least a month, see how you feel. Many times, sinus congestion, phlegm, stomach ache, flatulence and asthma symptoms will get better.
2. I would begin a greens superfood blend (wheat grass, chlorella, etc) because these bind toxins and metals from your gut, these are sold everywhere. If you have concerns about your thyroid condition, look for “goitrogen-free” blend, otherwise, any green superfood will work.
3. If you have severe brain issues, I would ask the doctor for a prescription binder like cholestyramine or colestipol, these are cholesterol-reducing medications.
4. I would eliminate fast foods, or those containing artificial dyes, corn syrup and MSG.
5. Chia seed oil, Salmon oil or Hemp oil, choose one and take daily.
6. Drink more, especially hot lemon water, and herbal teas like rooibos and tulsi.
7. Take a good probiotic as a dietary supplement. Consider digestive enzymes with every meal. I would take both if it were me.
8. Do not eat more raw cruciferous vegetables (cook them). It’s kind of a long, but simple story which you can read by CLICKING HERE, but raw broccoli or raw kale are strong goitrogens when eaten raw.
It’s true, you’d have to eat it frequently for it to suppress iodine uptake, but that’s exactly what many of you you do to yourself, if you juice it every morning. It’s totally okay if you cook it. Be careful with raw green superfood powders, most all of them have powdered, raw crucifers in them.
If you’re interested in my goitrogen-free green drink mix, CLICK HERE to LEARN MORE.
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Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.