Mother Nature has provided us with a beautiful medicine cabinet. In it, we find foods, herbal extracts and vitamins or minerals that reduce pain and promote health. Consider any of the following items in my list for what ails you. Of course, make sure your approves of you eating or taking something new. So what ails you?
High Blood Pressure
Celery is delicious to dip in hummus, but it’s a great way to reduce your crave for salt. That lowers blood pressure. Also, the celery seeds contain compounds like apigenin and isoquerticin, which cause your blood vessels to expand, and that lowers blood pressure. Celery is a mild, natural diuretic. It decreases the uric acid your body makes so it could help with gout too.
Memory Loss
More classically used for depression and fatigue, Panax ginseng is great for memory and focus concerns. Approved abroad, ginseng is used standardly as a tonic for declining concentration. It protects a portion of the brain known as the hippocampus from the effects of high ‘stress’ hormones like cortisol. For that reason it helps with physical stamina and endurance.
Menstrual Pain and Bloating
Fennel which smells like licorice is the herb to consider here. It helps relax your gastrointestinal tract and reduce bloating and gas, even in kids. Fennel was shown in studies to help reduce menstrual problems such as cramps too. You can buy commercially prepared extracts, or just take the seeds and boil about a half-teaspoon of crushed seeds and steep in hot water for 20 minutes; strain, sweeten and sip a cup. Of particular importance, avoiding sugar and intestinal fungal growth will help with this too, since yeast can cause major digestive bloating.
Hot Flashes
Red clover is a plant that contains high amounts of phytoestrogens (plant based estrogens also called isoflavones). Supplements and extracts of red clover may reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes. Natural vitamin E is helpful too.
Hemorrhoids or Colon Problems
Ask your practitioner about “oat straw” because one of the most studied benefits of this is its ability to fight colon cancer. If you are constipated, oat straw can help regulate digestion and loosen hard stool. You’ll need probiotics for this too. Oat straw contains all kinds of vitamins and compounds including silica which is needed to create healthy veins, arteries as well as nails, skin and hair.
Staying hydrated will reduce your frequency of migraines, including ocular migraines. Studies have repeatedly shown that high-quality magnesium supplements (like “chelated” forms) can reduce frequency and severity of migraines. Riboflavin can be beneficial too. Reducing high histamine foods will be enormously helpful. There’s more about this in my #1 Amazon best-selling book, Headache Free. Migraine sufferers seem to just live with their pain, but I must caution you, if your head pain changes suddenly or intensifies in a way that is severe or abnormal, always seek medical attention.
If you would like more natural options for you health concerns, learn from the comfort of your own home, by listening to free online talks The Natural Cures Movement. You will hear the best expert presentations by world leading authorities. As a bonus, you will receive my entire 1 hour health presentation as soon as you sign up with your email. It is truly one of my best interviews

Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.