“Dear Pharmacist,
I took the stool test you recommended and it’s positive for high levels of a bacteria called H. Pylori. My doctor is treating me aggressively since it causes ulcers and stomach cancer. I’m so glad you recommended this test, it sheds light on all my symptoms! What natural supplements can help?”
–S.N., Gainesville, Florida
[The Stool Test I recommended was “GI EFFECTS” by Metametrix which your physician can order, and if you’d prefer, you can order this test all by yourself, use my affiliate link since I’m a practitioner, CLICK HERE]
Answer: Awesome, it’s great to hear good feedback, and that you’ve discovered the underlying cause of your pain. Nothing bugs me more than people getting treated with 17 different antibiotics and long-term acid blockers, which may help temporarily but tend to wreak a lot of havoc in some individuals because of the drug mugging effect and high incidence of intestinal hyperpermeability (termed leaky gut).
Most people take a breath test to find H. pylori, but this is not reliable, there are many false negatives (you have the pathogen, the test does not show it)… so I recommend the “H. Pylori Antigen” stool test which you can buy as a home test kit, and ship the test kit back (then you wait for results to mailed to you). You can click here to buy from Direct Labs [it’s called H. Pylori Antigen, stool-DD KIT] or you can ask any physician who takes care of you.
** This is not a difficult test to obtain, again any physician can order it from a regular lab like Quest or Labcorp, or you can go through my link here, all by yourself, click on “H. Pylori Antigen, stool-DD KIT” for the correct test.**
Lots of you reading this are infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) and don’t know it because you only associate with ulcers, reflux, bloating, nausea or a deep gnawing pain in your stomach. Oh no, there are many more symptoms, including frequent belching (it’s almost uncontrollable), a change in appetite (usually reduced), unexplained weight loss, joint or muscle pain, chronic fatigue and lots of psychological symptoms. Seriously, the bug best known for causing gastric and duodenal ulcers can also mess with your head. H. pylori can put you in a brain fog where you feel like you can’t figure anything out, make clear decisions or concentrate well. It can even contribute to depression. If you feel like these symptoms sound familiar and want to learn more about H. pylori and how to deal with it, check out my article Get Pylori Out!
Now, what are you going to do since you’ve been diagnosed with H. pylori infection. Follow your physician’s advice, and discuss all my suggestions below. Ask him about the following natural treatments, in no particular order:
Mastic gum- Shown in a 2010 Phytomedicine study to eradicate H. pylori, the researchers used 350 milligrams three times daily for 14 days.
Cranberry juice– not the sugary beverages, I mean pure cranberry juice (or supplements). You can make your own at home too.
Probiotics– These supplements don’t eradicate H. pylori but restoring your friendly microflora reduces colonization of bad bacteria. I’d supplement, versus eating yogurt.
Coconut Oil– This contains “monolaurin,” a natural anti-fungal and anti-microbial; this is a totally harmless approach to help eradicate H. pylori. Include about two teaspoons a day in your diet.
Broccoli sprouts– They contain “sulforaphane” compounds which repair gastric mucosa even after it’s been damaged by H. pylori. A 2011 study suggests broccoli sprouts helps reduce risk of H. pylori induced gastric cancer. Also, in Cancer Prevention Research 2009, researchers concluded that “Daily intake of sulforaphane-rich broccoli sprouts for two months reduces H. pylori colonization…” There is no correlation with alfalfa sprouts. Health food stores and Amazon sell sell broccoli extracts called “I3C” and another version called “DIM” which is less dependent on your stomach acid. These last 2 supplements are extremely helpful if you have estrogen dominance, which often shows up as heavy periods, pain and cramps and severe PMS.
Oregano and garlic– two spices you should cook with to your hearts content. You can also buy supplements of North American’s P73 Oreganol Oil (oregano oil extract) and “Aged Garlic Extract” if you want a more potent dose.

Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.