Remember These? The Most Unbelievable Health Headlines from 2017

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  • 6 mins read

One of my favorite things to do is make notes of weird, bizarre, and otherwise nutso health headlines that make the news throughout the year.  Believe it or not, there is some truth to some of them!  (Definitely not all, but some.)  Here were a few that caught my attention, and probably yours!

WHO to Officially Recognize Video Gaming Disorder as a Mental Health Problem

Gaming is an official disease, and classified as a mental health disorder. The symptoms include anxiety, withdrawal symptoms and antisocial behavior as well as the obvious, becoming non-productive! This disorder will surely generate a lot of money for companies who can “treat” the condition, which by the way, impacts the same parts of your brain as alcohol, porn, gambling and shopping.

Since the World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized gaming disorder in 2019, the global conversation around excessive gaming has intensified. In 2024, new research has further linked compulsive gaming behavior to brain changes in dopamine regulation and impulse control, similar to other addictive behaviors. More treatment centers have emerged worldwide, with some countries—such as South Korea and China—implementing strict gaming restrictions to curb excessive playtime, especially in youth. Meanwhile, mental health professionals continue to debate whether this classification is a necessary public health measure or an overreach into normal gaming habits.

Do Hair Dyes Increase the Risk of Prostate Cancer?

In the study I read, the answer isn’t a clear yes or no regarding prostate cancer. This type of headline is not a new one. Researchers have been trying to clearly define the risks of certain chemicals in hair dye, and find out which colors are most toxic. Certain compounds called “aromatic amines” are found in high concentrations in hair dyes, and we know they do trigger cancer growth in lab animals; however, it’s not as clear with humans. Though several population-based studies do suggest higher rates of leukemia, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, or multiple myeloma in women who use hair dyes, the highest risk is actually seen in hairdressers who experience more bladder and blood-related cancers (like those listed above). But remember, they work with these chemicals all day long, so exposure is high.

Recent studies continue to investigate the potential link between hair dye chemicals and cancer risk, but definitive conclusions remain elusive. A 2023 meta-analysis reinforced previous concerns that long-term exposure to certain hair dye compounds may contribute to bladder cancer and hematologic cancers, particularly among professional hairstylists. However, research on prostate cancer specifically remains inconclusive, with no large-scale studies confirming a direct correlation. In response to ongoing safety concerns, some hair dye manufacturers have begun reformulating products to remove certain high-risk chemicals, while researchers call for more long-term human studies to clarify potential health risks.

Eating Cheese Every Day May Protect Your Heart

I’m not sure why, but this headline cracked me up! If there’s a “cheese gene”, I sure have it because I adore cheese. If you too are a lover of fromage, this will give you a new excuse to make Baked Brie with Blackberry Compote.  Mmm!  I’ve made cheese platters that are so pretty, they’re Instagramable, but I’m usually too busy eating to post the pics.

Researchers suggest that eating about an ounce and a half of cheese every day could help to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke! It isn’t going to “protect your heart” in my opinion, as it’s loaded with casein and saturated fats, but I’ll still mentally award an A+ to the researchers for making me drool. FYI, if you have MAO genetic SNPs (or take MAO inhibitor drugs), avoid cheese due to the tyramine content, as it can provoke a headache or worse!

Ebook V2 12 Natural Tips for Youthful Glowing Skin copy

Woman ‘Sweats’ Blood: A Rare Medical Mystery Unveiled”

In 2017, a 21-year-old woman in Italy baffled doctors when she began spontaneously oozing blood from her face and palms without any visible cuts or lesions. This rare condition, known as hematohidrosis, causes blood to seep through unbroken skin and has been reported only a handful of times in medical literature. The exact cause remains unknown, but some researchers suggest it may be linked to extreme stress or a heightened ‘fight or flight’ response, leading to the rupture of tiny blood vessels. This case highlights the complexities and mysteries that still exist within medical science.

Libby Trickett Experiencing a Pregnancy Side Effect We Never Even Knew Existed

Olympian swim champion Libby posted pictures of her toenails on social media, her big toenails are breaking, chipping and essentially coming off. This can happen due to the changes in hormones during pregnancy, it’s not that uncommon as the baby ‘sucks’ the calcium and other minerals out of mother for its own developing bones, while simultaneously impacting thyroid, progesterone and estrogen hormones. (Libby’s nails will grow back.)

Weird Health Benefits of Stress

It’s true that a little stress can temporarily improve your mental sharpness, but chronic stress can deplete your adrenals, so I’d say it’s best to minimize your stress levels as much as you can. Stressful situations increase bonding with friends, relatives and your spouse. That’s why if you’re stuck in an airport overnight, you might make new friends after sharing the experience. The reason is short term stress boosts oxytocin, a bonding hormone. Further, people are forced to rescue you, if not physically, then emotionally. Stress can even become the glue in an otherwise unhappy marriage. The trouble with this is, some people thrive on stress in their life because it victimizes them, provoking others to give them attention and affection.

Thyroid Script

Low Thyroid Levels Affect a Woman’s Fertility

Agreed, this very topic was covered in one of my books in 2010, 14 years ago! But it made headlines in 2017. Low thyroid can definitely contribute to infertility, miscarriage and premature births. It’s easy to test for and repair.

What health headlines grabbed your eye this year?  I’m sure there were plenty that I didn’t even hear of. Wishing all of you a happy and healthy 2018!
