Strange Causes for Seizure Disorders

Dear Readers,This is the EXTENDED more comprehensive version of the article that printed in your local paper: "Dear Pharmacist,My brother suddenly developed seizures, at the age of 26, never having…

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Fatigue Solutions That Make Sense

"Dear Pharmacist, Dr. Oz said magnesium was the number one thing for exhaustion. Do you agree? What are the best supplements?"--C.T., Charlotte, North Carolina Answer: I adore him and know it’s…

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Eating “Bugs” is a Good Idea

"Dear Pharmacist,You’re sort of obsessed with gut health because you frequently suggest probiotics to people seeking better health. I don’t take probiotics but I do appreciate your perspective. Not one…

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Advice for Ulcers and H. Pylori Infection

"Dear Pharmacist,I took the stool test  you recommended and it’s positive for high levels of a bacteria called H. Pylori. My doctor is treating me aggressively since it causes ulcers…

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Coffee, tea, or… diabetes?

Dear Pharmacist, I read your Diabetes Without Drugs book, and I am on Step 3 feeling better, and have lost 18 pounds. I was surprised to see such positive remarks…

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