Nightshade Foods, Delectable or Deadly?

"Dear Pharmacist,I live in chronic pain, it’s usually my joints but now my nerves are involved. My tests are all normal, and my doctor gives me Celebrex, Vicodin and Flexeril.…

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Advice for Ulcers and H. Pylori Infection

"Dear Pharmacist,I took the stool test  you recommended and it’s positive for high levels of a bacteria called H. Pylori. My doctor is treating me aggressively since it causes ulcers…

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Food Labels Can Deceive You

"Dear Pharmacist,I’m determined to stick with my New Year’s resolution to lose weight by cutting calories. Any tips to help me?" --F.P., Tulsa, Oklahoma Answer: Medical studies have shown that…

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Chai Tea Has Impressive Health Benefits

"Dear Pharmacist,I can’t give up sodas. I’ve been downing them daily since childhood, but I know they’re bad for me. Can you suggest a healthier drink that’s still sweet but…

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Spice Up Your Health With Cinnamon

"Dear Pharmacist,I dread holiday meals. There’s so much great food, and it’s so hard to resist. Is there any good news in the midst of this orgy of over-indulgence?"--A.F. Denver,…

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Douse Auto Immune Fire

"Dear Pharmacist,I have MS and I’ve taken the medicine Copaxone. Last year, you said not to rev up my immune system with vitamins. Can you explain why and tell me…

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