13 Awesome 5-Minute Health Hacks To Feel Better Fast!

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  • 7 mins read

This article covers some awesome health hacks to make you feel better, look better, sleep better and more!

1. Pimples– Put a dab of essential oil of tea tree on it.  Or put a dab of bentonite clay on it (mixed with water) you want a clay paste. You can do both back to back (tea tree then clay mask). Can leave the dab on there overnight.

Health Hacks for Cramps and Insomnia

2. Foot cramps or Charlie horses– If these are just occasional from over-stretching or dehydration, long travel, wearing high heels too long, and so forth, just buy coconut water and drink it. The electrolytes work to stop the cramp and spasms. You can do this right before bedtime if it’s frequent.

Any electrolyte drink will work, unfortunately, commercial drinks most contain artificial colors.

3. Insomnia– For mild bouts of insomnia due to occasional stress try soothing Delta wave music (download an app or play YouTube in bed), and apply essential oil of Lavender to your wrists, and inhale it. Then take long inhalations so that they are equal to, or longer than your exhalations.

Keep breathing rhythmically (equally) for a few minutes. Another 5-minute hack is to crawl into bed with a heating pad, the warmth is soothing and relaxing. Some other herbal considerations are lemon balm, chamomile, passionflower, poppy and a few others.

To learn more about an herbal sleep support formula that I have created, CLICK HERE to see Sleep Script®. My patented formula will help with tranquility, rest and calm.* It will help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. You need a great night’s sleep! It’s drug-free and not addictive. Take it whenever you want to, and stop it whenever you want.

4. Kitchen cuts– Cayenne powder, the spice, is a well-known hemostat so it stops bleeding within seconds. Outdoor survivalists know this and often have it in their backpack, but what about the rest of us? It’s amazing that you can pour this onto a cut and within 10 seconds, the bleeding will pretty much stop. Cayenne is one of the best health hacks I know of!

 I found this out when I was working in the kitchen and the knife I was using slipped onto my finger! Just CLICK HERE to read my other article, Cayenne Pepper Stopped My Bleeding in 30 Seconds.

If you find that you have wounds that don’t heal quickly, and just linger and linger for weeks, it’s quite possible you are deficient in zinc. Many people are. Zinc deficiency can not only cause slow wound-healing, but it can impair your ability to hear perfectly. As we age, zinc deficiency is more likely to occur.

Health Hacks for Headaches and Hangovers

If you want to learn more, or buy the best, most gentle-on-the-tummy CHELATED ZINC, check out my vitamin shop. I take pride in offering you the very best! Another formula for skin and beauty, and rashes is DermaScript® it’s absolutely amazing in terms of being one of the best health hacks for irritated, problem skin!

DermaScript 14

5. Headache– Sometimes a cup of coffee or BLACK TEA will help because of the caffeine, and you can also add 2 ibuprofen. If that doesn’t help, then take a cool pack and put it on both your temples and take 250 – 350 mg of chelated magnesium. Chew gum, it helps if the headache is from clenching your teeth.

6. Hangover– Truthfully, I have no experience with this one as my drinking habits amount to probably one drink (or a few sips of one drink), about 3 times a year. I just don’t like feeling ‘messed up’ in my head and it causes insomnia for me. But lots of my friends drink, and some get hangovers.

I suggest you take two N-acetylcysteine supplements (approximately 1200 mg of NAC) and also a B1 (thiamine) tablet with your drinks or in the morning. There’s a biochemical reason for why this works better than drinking raw eggs or sweating in a sauna, just take my word for it. NAC (or it’s downline metabolite L-cysteine) is one of the fastest working health hacks I can think of. Not only is it a health hack for a hangover, it helps make glutathione which is a strong antioxidiant.

Health Hacks for Chapped Lips and Heartburn

7. Dry, chapped lips– Don’t have lip balm??? It’s uncomfy to have dry, chapped lips. If you are constantly dry, and constantly dehydrated, your lips will be chapped all the time! For a long term fix, you need to remember to drink more, and always infuse your water with marshmallow root (keep it in the fridge).

Having soft lips means you’ll be more kissable too! Aside from marshmallow, you can use any facial moisturizer on your lips. And my very favorite health hack is honey – put some honey right on your lips and then you can lick it off slowly. It’s deeply hydrating.

8. Heartburn– So you ate the whole entire foot-long with chili? Shame on you, now reflux is going to haunt you all night, and probably tomorrow, lol! Try putting a half teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, and sip it.

Some experts suggest more but I like to use the lowest effective dose. Make sure this trick is fine with doc because it increases the pH in your gut (it’s the opposite of an acid blocker).  It should help on contact.

9. Stuffy nose– Take a hot shower so it is steamy in there and dump a few drops of essential oil of Eucalyptus on your shower floor. This allows you to gently inhale the steam infused with a known decongestant. Basil essential oil is a good expectorant. Just be careful not to use too many drops of oil because it could hurt your eyes.

If you have chronic sniffles or allergies, you may need more DAO. Check out my article on this topic and get yourself cured once and for all: Allergies And Your Genes – Histamine, Autoimmunity and DAO SNPs.

10. Itchy eyes– This 5 minute health hack should be in everyone’s bathroom. It’s a glass or plastic eye cup with normal saline used for eye health. You can rinse your eye and bring immediate relief to itchy, red or sore eyes. It’s important to keep this, you never know when a drop of a household cleanser is going to spray your eyes, so keep an ‘eye wash’ kit handy.

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Health Hacks for Burns and Hangnails

11. Minor burns– Maybe you’ve touched the handle of a hot pot or hurt yourself from a hobby. Put some wet tea bags from black tea on the minor burn. The tannic acid is soothing. You can also make a pitcher of black tea and pour it on there for soothing relief.

12. Colicky baby– Okay, this is funny but a useful 5-minute hack. In 1990 when my daughter was born, she was colicky. I would turn on the dryer, put some fuzzy blankets on top of it (making a little soft ‘bed’) but you can use any baby lounger/cuddler… and then lay her on top of it (with the dryer turned on to create warmth and subtle vibration), and hold her with my hand.

Crying would stop immediately, and within 5 minutes she would fall asleep. I never took my hand off her. I could then transfer her to her crib and she’d sleep for a solid 4 or 5 hours.

13. Hangnails– A manicure will solve it, but sometimes if you’re traveling or short on time. These little boogers can cause a great deal of pain if they get caught on things over and over. Say all you have is 5 minutes. Do this:
Run warm water on it for 2 minutes to soften it and stop bleeding.

Apply some oil if you can, for example, as a waiter for a bit of olive oil and dab it on there for instant soothing. Find a bandage and cover your nail, I always keep a little adhesive bandage tucked deep in my wallet for minor mishaps or to give to someone in need when I’m traveling. Bandages are also available at any gift shop at a hotel if you’re traveling.
