Basil Corn Salad

  • Published
  • 1 min read

3 cups cooked corn
3 scallions, thinly sliced
1 to 2 TBLS apple cider vinegar (depending on how tart you want it)
3 TBLS grape seed oil
6 leaves Basil, scizzored or chopped well
1 or 2 large tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Sea salt and pepper to taste

In a medium pot, boil your corn (assuming it’s frozen, however you can start from scratch and cook ears if you want to). During the last few minutes of cooking, I would throw in the scallions to wilt and warm them. That usually takes 3 or 4 minutes, and then I drain the whole thing so I am just left with the corn and scallions. Drain and set aside. In a medium mixing bowl, combine the following and of course, adjust your seasoning and the amount of vinegar to your palate: Combine the cooked corn with the oil, vinegar, scallions, basil, salt and pepper. Serve the corn salad warm or room temperature. If you don’t like basil, or tomatoes, just leave that out. The recipe is still delicious and hearty and you can substitute tarragon, dill or rosemary … whatever you like. This is an easy wonderful side dish with my Rib Wrap Samwhich
