Dangerous Drug Mugging Effect by Acid Blockers

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  • 4 mins read

I could probably write a regular “I Told You So” column because new research keeps showing up that backs up advice that I’ve been giving for years. I warned you about this at least 7 years ago.

If you are among the 21 million people in this country who take a PPI (Proton Pump Inhibitor) used for blocking acid in the stomach, then take 5 to read this.

These medications are prescribed for treating ulcers, serious heart burn, and other digestive problems. The most popular medications in this class are called Nexium, Aciphex, Prevacid, Protonix, Zergerid and Prilosec. A few of these are sold over-the-counter, by their brand name, or as a store-brand generic. How they are sold, and their exact names depend on what country you live in, because acid reflux drugs are one of the biggest selling drugs of all times, and they’re sold globally!

These drugs shut down acid production for a long time, pretty much 24/7 and they get the job done, but at a price.

The FDA requires warning labels on Proton Pump Inhibitors, stating that they rob your body of magnesium (hypomagnesemia) and that it could lead to severe adverse effects.


Finally this is revealed publically, but I told you years ago!

I’ve been sounding the warning for years about magnesium depletion from acid blockers for many years. In fact, nutrients are depleted by all kinds of medications.

It can lead to you getting smacked with a new diagnosis and more pills if you don’t realize it is a side effect from your current medication.

I actually wrote the book on this. Buy a copy of this book and it will change your life. CLICK HERE to learn more about Drug Muggers, How Medications Rob You of Essential Nutrients and How to Restore Them. I’ll warn you again, these drugs deplete your body of other minerals, and B vitamins too! Thousands of drugs are mugging you of essential micronutrients, and this is what causes side effects!

Some Examples
Our heart needs magnesium to pump and to manufacture happy brain neurotransmitters. Your muscles need it in order to tense and relax. Magnesium helps make red blood cells and it sends messages along your nerves properly. It helps you form DNA, the genetic material that encodes who you are. It helps your immune system defend you from germs and it maintains bone integrity.

If you take acid blockers (or antacids) for more than six months, bet your bottom dollar you’re clean out of minerals and B vitamins, not to mention your beneficial gut flora. The Restoration List of Nutrients is given in my other article entitled Weird Hidden Causes of Heart Attacks and you can CLICK HERE to read it.

Additionally, I’m sharing an infographic to help you learn about a better diet in case you have heartburn.

AcidReflux Diet

Does all this mean that you should stop taking your medicine?

No, I’m not getting involved in that. In fact, I want you to do whatever you and your doctor have agreed upon. As a health blogger, I cannot advise or consult about what is right for you as an individual.  I’m just saying you should “marry” your acid blocking medication with a powerful trace mineral supplement and B complex each day.  To help ensure good nutrient status, please eat (or juice) lots of green leafy vegetables.

Explore more natural remedies for heartburn and reflux, don’t just pop pills. You can learn more about natural options that work as well (or better) than medications right here on my site, just use my search box and look up DGL, triphala, betaine or glutamine.

The topic of drug muggers is of major league importance. Your comfort, if not your life depends on you learning what nutrients are depleted by acid blockers (or any medication for that matter). Learn it because it’s so easy to correct.  There’s more information in my book which is all aobut this topic: Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients—And Natural Ways to Restore Them.

It’s your side effect solution.
