I pour through studies and research constantly to bring you the latest news, hot off the press either before it’s published, or soon after. Take a look at the following natural “folk” remedies which improve health and well being. First up, help for alcoholism.
Alcoholism and withdrawal. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is an herb that can help with withdrawal and liver problems. It’s a diuretic too. Also, plain niacin, about 100 mg two or three times daily can cut cravings!
Improve mortality. Drinking chamomile tea can slash risk of death by 29% in women over age 65, but unfortunately not men. No one is sure why, but according to the study conducted at The University of Texas, drinking chamomile tea is the bomb! The effect on your mortality may have to do with it’s strong anti-inflammatory, antibiotic and anti-platelet (blood-thinning) properties.
Kiss more. If you only kiss during sex, you’re more eight times more likely to feel chronically stressed, and possibly depressed. A study of 2,000 couples from Northwestern University proved this. Pucker up outside the bedroom, or backseat, or wherever…
Edema. Burdock root is a diuretic, and can help you eliminate fluid if you have edema. You can drink it as a tea for a milder effect. If you cool the tea, and apply it topically with a compress, it helps with psoriasis, eczema or other skin irritations.
That time of the month? Cramp bark (Viburnum opulus) can help alleviate menstrual cramps, irritability and PMS symptoms. Take it for a few days during that special time of the month. You can buy it as a tincture or supplement.
Since I promised you “weird,” I will now deliver: Toad skin for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Yung-Chi Cheng, a Yale professor of pharmacology in New Haven, Connecticut, is the lead researcher who published the news a few years ago, showing that enhances Bayer AG’s cancer drug Nexavar. The toads they use are Bufo gargarizans in case you want to put a face with the name.
More weird. Turtles, specifically their upper shell, not their cute slow-moving feet. Pelodiscus sinensis is the name of the critter, from which a patented Chinese medicine is derived and used for cancer and sometimes HIV/AIDS.
Deodorant. You can make a natural deodorant using clary sage essential oil. Put 15 drops of it in a spray bottle with 1/2 cup witch hazel and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda.
Hair loss can be helped with Amla or Indian gooseberry. It could actually be a blessing for you, since it is packed with antioxidants like vitamin C which might help hair loss if it hasn’t been too long of a time. Buy alma juice or powder and mix it with lemon juice. Put it on scalp and let it dry. Rinse with gentle shampoo whenever you want. Some of you already realize that Amla is one of the three fruits in “Triphala” an amazing supplement that supports gut health and intestinal conditions. You can certainly take Triphala if you want, along with the topical treatment of Amla.
Itchiness and minor lesions and bug bites can be relieved if you add some essential oils to your aloe vera gel. I bought a little 2 ounce mini bottle of aloe vera gel then added 10 drops of lavender, 10 drops of myrrh and 10 drops bergamot. Shake it up and apply. If it is not strong enough you can add 5 drops tea tree oil.
Natural bug repellant. I confess, I’m a little bug phobic, especially ticks because of Lyme disease. It’s not that I won’t spare a bee’s life if I see it in the pool, I think I fished out 100 of them during my swims in Arizona, but I don’t like them on me. A brand new study proves that sweetgrass oil (Hierochloe odorata) is as effective as DEET (a known toxic chemical).
Sweetgrass oil has long been revered by Native Americans during ceremonies and its apparently a strong bug repellant. One of the most lethal bugs known to man is MRSA, short for “Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus and scientists have discovered that compounds in “Sweet Chestnut” leaf can paralyze the superbug! More specifically, the “ursene” and “oleanene” block staph’s ability to destroy tissues. No one has studied its effect in human MRSA patients, however, people have been cultivating this for centuries so I see no harm in drinking the tea, or trying an herbal extract. The botanical name is Castanea sativa.
If you have any folk remedies that a loved one handed down to you, or others you know that really work, please post it in my comment section below so our entire community can benefit. Thanks!

Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.