Iron is sold over-the-counter in supplement form, but it’s a naturally occurring mineral that’s made in the body. Even though the World Health Organization considers iron deficiency the number one nutritional disorder in the world, I don’t frequently recommend iron supplements for people complaining of fatigue. Iron can be hard on the gut, causing nausea, cramping and constipation.
Iron is necessary to make a protein called hemoglobin, which acts like a tow truck and lugs oxygen all over the body. It’s amazing that humans can stash some iron away until it’s needed again, so you might say it’s recyclable. And speaking of ‘going green,’ your stool can turn this color when you take iron.
Iron is abbreviated as “Fe” which stands for ferrous.
It’s easy to overdo iron when supplementing since it accumulates, and because it’s dangerous to tots, always lock up your medicine cabinets.

Fatigue is a primary symptom of iron deficiency anemia. But there are many others. For example, you may have trouble concentrating, or feel cranky and depressed. Having pale skin and a sore tongue are dead giveaways!
Eye symptoms of low iron can include a pale coloring of the inside of the lower eyelids. In moderate or severe cases of iron deficiency anemia, the inside layer of the lower eyelid is very pale pink or yellow instead of red.
You might have brittle nails or be prone to infections because your immune system is weak. And your heart may beat like crazy with very little exertion.
Other conditions and nutritional deficiencies paint the same ‘picture,’ so teasing out iron deficiency from other problems is not easy.
Anyone besides a menstruating female who is iron deficient should have a colonoscopy in order to rule out colon cancer. It doesn’t matter if the stools don’t show blood in them, as bleeding can be very slight or noncontinuous. Having this test done can save lives because it could detect colon cancer early on.
If appropriate blood testing finds that you are legitimately deficient in iron, then, of course, this nutrient will breathe life back into you, very quickly…in about 2 or 3 months.
Doctors utilize many tests to determine iron levels. Two fairly reliable blood tests include “serum ferritin” or “transferrin saturation ratio.” Eating iron-rich foods such as clams, oysters, mussels, animal liver, beans, lentils, and pumpkin seeds can improve levels, especially if you drink orange juice with it. The vitamin C in OJ bolsters iron absorption.
As for supplements, I prefer a “polysaccharide” complex, like Nu-Iron or Niferex. Let’s take a closer look at who is most prone to iron deficiency:
1. People who take drug muggers of iron, such as aspirin, butalbital, indomethacin, doxycycline, Pepcid, (Zantac discontinued), Questran, or Soma Compound among others.
2. Women who experience heavy periods.
3. People who have a minor perforation in their GI tract because it causes a slow and steady leak of blood.
4. Pregnant women and vegetarians.
5. People who have kidney problems, especially if you are undergoing dialysis.
6. who drink a lot of dark grape juice or red wine. Animal studies suggest these interfere with iron usage.
If this article is interesting to you, please learn more about the whole concept of drug mugging. There are hundreds of popularly prescribed medications that rob vital nutrients from your body causing many side effects and in some cases, fatal outcomes (because of long-term nutrient depletion).
This is also why you experience side effects in so many cases. Prescription drugs have an intended effect on the body but they may be reducing vital nutrients in your cells causing all sorts of annoying and dangerous side effects.
For example, cholesterol-lowering statin drugs mug you of Coenzyme Q10, which powers your heartbeat and protects your muscles. Estrogen-containing drugs mug you of certain nutrients, leaving you depressed and tired. Diabetic medications mug a certain B vitamin that protects you from a stroke & heart attack.
As a BONUS, this book includes a special chapter to help you buy the highest quality supplements, sharing secrets in the industry that you should know about. Learn about absurdly inexpensive vitamins and minerals that can help you feel better and solve your problems once and for all.
CLICK HERE to purchase a copy of my book Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients–and Natural Ways to Restore Them

Suzy Cohen, has been a licensed pharmacist for over 30 years and believes the best approach to chronic illness is a combination of natural medicine and conventional. She founded her own dietary supplement company specializing in custom-formulas, some of which have patents. With a special focus on functional medicine, thyroid health and drug nutrient depletion, Suzy is the author of several related books including Thyroid Healthy, Drug Muggers, Diabetes Without Drugs, and a nationally syndicated column.