Why Some “Gold Standard” Medications Scare Me

Dear Pharmacist, I just became a pharmacist and started reading your syndicated column. Your emphasis is usually centered around the benefits of vitamins, minerals or alternative treatments, as compared to prescription medications. Why don't you recommend more of our gold standard pharmaceuticals which are FDA approved, unlike nutritional supplements? –JK, Gainesville, Florida  

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Many Diseases Linked to High Insulin – The Longer Story

Dear Pharmacist, I really need your help because I am now up to 14 medications for the following problems: High cholesterol, heart disease, pre-diabetes, cataracts, arrhythmias, allergies, memory problems and enlarged prostate (BPH). The medications make me sick and sleepy. The reason I am writing to you is because you always have a fresh perspective. Can you help me get off these medications? – C.P. Kansas City, Kansas

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