Adam Lambert May Cause Hearts to Flutter
"Dear Pharmacist,I attended an American Idol concert and I got so excited to see my favorite, Adam Lambert, that I developed cardiac arrhythmias. I went to the ER, the doctor called…
"Dear Pharmacist,I attended an American Idol concert and I got so excited to see my favorite, Adam Lambert, that I developed cardiac arrhythmias. I went to the ER, the doctor called…
Dear Readers, Stay on top of your health with neat gadgets. Take a look at the following list and see if any of these health products can help you. All…
"Dear Pharmacist,I am 15 years old and my divorced parents share custody of me so I go back and forth between homes. In my mom’s house, I am made to eat…
Dear Pharmacist, I am stressed out that I may not be able to get my pain medication, Vicodin. I’ve taken it for years, following a work accident. I’m not addicted. I…
"Dear Pharmacist,I take medications for blood pressure, diabetes and arthritis, five drugs in all. My doctor is happy with my progress but my wife is urging me to take fish oils to…
"My grandfather moved in with us last year. He is 86 years old and relatively healthy. He does not take any medication but says that eating asparagus is his “medicine.” He asks my…
I received this letter from Georganna in Albany, NY:"I am constantly fatigued, my hair is thinning, and I am gaining weight. My doctor says that I have hypothyroidism and prescribed Synthroid.…
"Dear Pharmacist,Sometimes I get itchy spots. I’ve stopped wearing perfume, I use dye-free detergent and soap. I only take three medications and I’ve taken those for years, birth control, ibuprofen and Synthroid. What…
The term drug muggers is probably something you haven't heard of before. It's something I made up to describe the effect of medication on the body, and how some drugs 'mug'…
I am a syndicated columnist in case you didn't know that already. My column appears in about 105 newspapers and it's called "Dear Pharmacist." People write to me, or email me…