Vitamin D Helps from Head to Toe
"Dear Pharmacist,My friends daughter has rickets, I didn’t think that was possible in this day and age. How do I protect my kids?" --A.E., Boston, Massachusetts Answer: Rickets is the result…
"Dear Pharmacist,My friends daughter has rickets, I didn’t think that was possible in this day and age. How do I protect my kids?" --A.E., Boston, Massachusetts Answer: Rickets is the result…
Dear Readers,A few weeks ago newspaper headlines called aspirin therapy into question. Currently, almost one third of older Americans take a baby aspirin every day to help prevent heart attacks. And…
Dear Pharmacist, I am 87 y.o. and at the end of my journey. I’ve been through so much, and today, I’m writing letters to special people. I wish to thank you…
"Dear Pharmacist,You’ve said that stress causes higher levels of the hormone cortisol and that causes weight gain and disease. I have lost my home and dealing with the emotional fall out…
"Dear Pharmacist,I’m determined to stick with my New Year’s resolution to lose weight by cutting calories. Any tips to help me?" --F.P., Tulsa, Oklahoma Answer: Medical studies have shown that caloric…
"Dear Pharmacist,I read your facebook post about people with asthma and how they should be dairy free. I feel better after just one week. I also read where you recommend two…
"Dear Pharmacist,I can’t give up sodas. I’ve been downing them daily since childhood, but I know they’re bad for me. Can you suggest a healthier drink that’s still sweet but has…
"Dear Pharmacist,The cold weather is upon us, and I’m worried about cold and flu. What are some simple steps to keep my immune system healthy?"--L.F., Alexandria, Virginia Answer: Preventing the spread…
"Dear Pharmacist,I've been very sick with pancreatitis. Do you have any treatment regimens or vitamin recommendations that could stop this problem?"--J.M., Tulsa, Oklahoma Answer: I believe so, but it stuns me…
Dear Pharmacist, I read your Diabetes Without Drugs book, and I am on Step 3 feeling better, and have lost 18 pounds. I was surprised to see such positive remarks about…